Shorewood Drama and its' Thespians are recognized by the International Thespian Society for our achievements in the art of theatre.
"Act well your part,
there all the honor lies."
How to become a member of
How to get involved-Visit the call board outside of the Black Box (room 1024)
-Take a class with Ms. Pottinger, register for Drama or Advanced Drama -Come to our meetings, the first Wednesday of the month in room 2504 -Audition for a play -Sign up for technical work crews when announced -Show up at Work Parties in the afternoon when the set is built -Ask to work on a non-drama production (email Mason Jones: [email protected]) -Usher at a production (email Evelyn Huang-Turner: [email protected]) |
Have you done theater related activities outside of Shorewood?
We have a google form you can fill out to find out if any theater related activities you did that are unaffiliated with Shorewood make you eligible for extra Thespian points! This can help you on the way to get initiated, or qualify you for one of the higher Thespian honors when you graduate as a Thespian.